Friday 28 March 2014

Being a contrarian helps, don't take your aircraft for a spin and nice-sounding jargon

Obama made a blitz-visit to Brussels (less then 24h) and the whole country became victim of Obamania.
Police had warned car drivers not to drive to Brussels during the Obama visit as the complete city would be in gridlock. I chose to ignore the advise figuring everyone else would listen to the police and I would have a pleasant drive to work. So I did and had the swiftest most relaxing morning drive into Brussels ever. Sometimes it really helps being contrarian!

In our airspace it was less pleasant. EBBR shut down for Air Force One to get in and out. Obama flew with Marine One a return between EBBR and EBKT which basically shut down the main part of Belgium. This is the chart that went with the NOTAM...
So unless you wanted to test the interception alertness of the Belgian airforce, taking your aircraft for a spin was not a good idea.

And I can't help but also post this table which crossed my internet travels this week:

Do you think there is a problem in the eurozone with non-performing loans? Non-performing loans is nice-sounding jargon for loans that are not being paid back. Nothing to see here, please move on.

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