Friday 4 April 2014

CHAT but I prefer sulking in silence, Top Gun II

Not sure what to think of this bit of scientific news: software translated the whistle of dolphins in real time. The thing is called Cetacean Hearing and Telemetry (CHAT). So far only one word was translated but analysis is continuing and scientists hope to be able to communicate with dolphins by Summer. Now imagine, just imagine this would become reality. First question would be: do dolphins know grammar? Do they have names for relatively new things (like boats, fishing nets, ...).  But the real big question for me would be: would we want to speak to them? And more worryingly what would they have to say about us humans?

I have a cat at home. I don't have a CHAT (Cat Hearing and Telemetry), but I don't need one. We understand each other perfectly well. Just a look, the way she parades through the house, the slightest sound, is enough to know what she wants or what she wants me to do. She can entertain complete conversations based on her facial expressions alone. I talk to her, and she understands me very well (note: I didn't say she obeys, she's a cat and she knows it!). Now would I want a CHAT device that allows me to communicate with her? No, I don't think so. Frankly, I am pretty sure I don't want one. Just imagine getting home from work and the cat starting a long story about all the birds (and mice and bees and so much more) that she saw through the windows. That wouldn't be too bad. But then she would start nagging to get outside, or to get some food (the candy like ones, not the ordinary ones), or to go and inspect the garage... Or, and this is the real deal breaker, when the wife gets home, she would go and tell all the stuff I've been up to whilst she was out! O no, my cat and me are pretty happy with the conversations we have without a CHAT. When I choose to ignore her I pretend not hearing her begging to open the door or get some tasty whiskas temptations. And when she is angry at me, I don't get to hear why, she just turns her back and sulks in silence. And that's how I like to keep it: whenever there is a slight disagreement between us, I prefer continuing moping in silence.

And some other exciting news, although we'll have to wait longer than this Summer for it to become true:  a sequel of Top Gun is on the charts! Producer Jerry Bruckheimer said such a movie is getting closer to reality. The idea would be that all pilots have become redundant because of the use of drones and that Pete "Maverick" Mitchell would prove that pilots will always be needed. That's an interesting intake! I just hope that they won't make any basic flying errors in their filming as they did in the 1986 movie.
But as this movie has probably inspired many guys and girls from my age to start flying, another such movie is mostly welcome! The star in the original Top Gun was the F-14 Tomcat. And... you know me, just for nostalgia reasons here are some pictures of that variable wing! Whilst you scroll through them, enjoy listening to Berlin: take my breath away!

F-14 which I built about 25 years ago

F-14 at Koksijde 1992

F-14 at Koksijde 1992

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