Plenty of blogs around so why this one? What on earth can I
contribute to this fast rotating world of internet scribblings? Back at the
office I write an internal weekly and personal review using all sorts of facts
and background that impact us directly or indirectly. Given the times we live
in, these reflections are often economic or financial of nature. Or they relate
to changes in society. Not wanting to be
too serious too often, I also try to give it a twist and talk about more
entertaining stuff. I use fait divers to frame it all a bit and the references
to aviation are born from my eternal passion for everything that flies. One of
my Board Directors inspired me in creating this blog.
What I needed before starting this blog, was a concept and a title
that tells you what to expect.
Why the name ‘top of descent’? For those not into aviation, top of
descent is the point during a flight where the cruise phase ends and the
descent starts. The cruise flight is a rather comfortable part of a flight, on
our way to our destination. And when you reach the top of descent you have
to go down. It’s the start of many changes and a lot of work (pull back the
power, trim the airplane, stabilise the descent and later the approach, get the
aircraft in landing configuration and so on). You will face new challenges
(weather, other traffic, ...). But going away from this comfortable cruise
level should not scare us as the top of descent also beholds the promise of a
new destination. And the prospect of discovering a new destination is always
exiting. ‘Top of descent’ thus provides an image that reflects the changes our
society is going through now. The comfortable times we had, especially in Western
Europe, are behind us. The financial, economic and political crises are leading
us to something new. Ok I admit, we have past the top of descent a while ago
but we are a long way from our destination yet, whatever it is, wherever it is.
With all changes to society, financial concerns, technological advances,
climate concerns that are facing us, it will be an interesting ride. ‘Top of
descent’ will show you the way I experience it, sometimes with some humour,
sometimes with some anger or frustration. But that is part of the experience as
Enjoy the rest of the flight, buckle up and I’ll come back to you
later once I have more information on our final destination.
PS The picture I chose as background is me just before touchdown on June 24, 2008 at EBBZ, on my first solo flight, flying the OO-F72 Rans Coyote II. I can assure you, that descent and landing is something I will never forget.