Thursday 20 March 2014

The possibilities are infinite, I am not that important

They found proof! They had to build a giant telescope on the South Pole to do it but if validation comes out
Image: Steffen Richter (Harvard University)
positive there is proof that the big bang inflation theory is no longer a theory.
We all heard about the big bang but very little does public know that some observations were contradicting the big bang. If our universe is 13,8 billion years old, why are some galaxies more than 13,8 billion light years apart? That is impossible if the speed of light is indeed the top speed in this universe. And why are temperature differences almost non existent at opposite sides of the universe? That's not something one would expect in a big explosion like the big bang either. So they came  up with a tweak to the theory in the eighties that the big bang actually should not be seen as an explosion but as an enormous inflation within the first fractions of the second when the big bang occurred. They are talking about 10^-34 second. And to give you a bit of an image, compare it with someone flicking a light switch. First there is nothing, and then - click - the whole universe is there! The technical proof that confirms this theory can be found here. By the way it also provides evidence for gravitational waves which were theorised upon by Einstein 98 years ago.

But let's look at what it all means. There are many conclusions to make but two are particularly interesting.
Our universe might indeed be infinite! It may, and does probably, stretch beyond our horizon (we can't look further than 13,8 billion light years, ie the distance light travelled since the big bang, As the universe came into being in an inflation there may, and probably are, galaxies way beyond our horizon. Secondly, there are multiple, possibly infinite, universes! They may have different properties than ours (physical parameters may be different), but there are an infinite amount of universes. If you want to understand more about multiple universes and alternative histories I can recommend 'The Grand Design' by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow.

I let your imagination run wild on what this means for us humans. In the history of the Earth we have only been around for a fraction of time, there are now more than 7 billion people on this planet, our solar system is just a dust particle in our galaxy, our galaxy is just a blimp in the universe that we can see, our universe is infinite and there are an infinite number of universes. So let's face it, we are not that important are we.

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