Wednesday 19 February 2014

All is well, the colour red and a classic giant slalom

We know a thing or two about elections in Belgium. In fact the past 5 years we have been hopping from one election to another, and we have established the world record government formation. So I guess you can call us Belgians a bit of experts. On May 25 there are European elections and with the run up to these elections I'm wondering about something.
Since last Summer, it seems the European crisis is over. The peripheral countries are slowly recovering (btw whoever came up with this dreadful term 'peripheral countries'? As if they are a bit of a drag that we are trailing along behind us, I find the term very denigrating). No one talks any more about the interest rates on government bonds. The eurocrisis is but a long forgotten nightmare. But is this true? Or... are our European politicians purposely painting a rosy picture in view of the European elections? With eurosceptics doing well in the polls the traditional parties are indeed a bit worried the balance of power may shift in the Parliament.
The below slide is made amongst others by the IMF and shows how well Europe is doing economically compared to 2011. For those who forgot, 2011 was the midst of the eurocrisis. And to be clear: the red colour means the situation is worse than in 2011. But hey, all is well.

As the red colour is so prevalent in the above slide, it nicely links up with the major news coming out of our beloved aviation world: the Red Arrows have a new colour scheme on their tailfin!
Here it is:
And yes of course I have seen the Red Arrows numerous times! And, what did you expect, I have the pictures to prove it :-)

Some sport journalists commented a bit laughingly about Vanessa Mae's performance at the women's giant slalom at Sochi. I don't know why. So yes she finished last about half a minute after the golden medal. So what? It was brave to train and participate. I can understand that a young woman who has travelled the world playing the violin, who performed with world renowned orchestras, pop and rock artists and sold millions of records needed a bit of a different challenge. So I take my hat off for her. What a woman.

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