Friday 6 September 2013

Questions I like to see answered, Noam Chomsky, designed by hand and crash tests

Seems that nor the politicians nor the media are asking the right questions about Syria, let alone answer them.
So in an attempt to help them out here is what I like to have answered (truthfully if possible):

1. Can we believe the US this time when they claim they have irrefutable evidence?
2. Is it really so that the US and some European countries are appalled that chemical weapons have been used?
3. Or is it just a good excuse and is there a different agenda (gas pipeline?)?
4. If chemical weapons are so inhumane why has the US not disposed off its own chemical weapons yet? (It is working on this, but they still have a stockpile left according to wikipedia: The Chemical Weapons Convention signed in 1993 stipulated a deadline of April 2012 to fully dispose of all chemical weapons, the US missed the deadline and the Pentagon indicated that they are looking at a 2023 target!!!

I am sure that the media will keep us informed over every nitty-gritty detail leading up to the US Congress discussion and vote on Syria. Whilst you are watching that theatre, bear in mind the words of Noam Chomsky (he doesn't need an introduction - but for those who have never heard of him see He made some remarkable statements during his keynote address at the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum in Bonn, Germany, 17 June 2013: “In the past, the United States has sometimes, kind of sardonically, been described as a one-party state: the business party with two factions called Democrats and Republicans. That’s no longer true. It’s still a one-party state, the business party. But it only has one faction. The faction is moderate Republicans, who are now called Democrats. There are virtually no moderate Republicans in what’s called the Republican Party and virtually no liberal Democrats in what’s called the Democratic [sic] Party. It’s basically a party of what would be moderate Republicans and similarly, Richard Nixon would be way at the left of the political spectrum today. Eisenhower would be in outer space.”

Now, today's blog may give you the impression I am US-basing. That's not the intention.
As a small token of appreciation, I include two movies. The first one has a big wow-factor for me. In my student days as engineer we were still drawing on paper when designing something. We also had some courses on computer drawing but they were rather rough. Elon Musk (the founder of Paypal and current CEO of Tesla and Space X) posted a movie where they design pieces of a rocket in 3D with hand gestures (!) and then print it in 3D. He speaks of a revolution and that is exactly what it is. (The more critical reader would say that Elon is a born South-African, so this is not an example of how great the US is, but Elon's businesses were started, nurtured and grown in the US, so see it as a tribute to the good-old American Dream).

The second movie is posted by NASA doing a crash test of a helicopter on August 28. The research is aimed at improving the survivability of helicopter occupants. A very and much needed, noble goal. I am particularly intrigued in this test as I worked in car industry for 12 years, mainly dealing with car safety and have witnessed a lot of car crash tests and in my current job, I am amongst others responsible for helicopter safety. So this really is an interesting combination of my two worlds! I would love to see the readings from those dummies. Especially the two dressed in white (as they only had lap belts!).

You probably guessed the song that has to go with it: Crash Test Dummies - Mmm Mmm Mmm

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